Moses was raised as an Egyptian prince but he retained his Hebrew identity

Sphinx of Ammenemes IV (Amenemhat IV), made of gneiss. Its face was reworked during the Roman period.

This is a Sphinx of Amenemhet IV which was defaced during the Roman period of Egypt.

Amenemhet IV was the adopted son of Sobeknefru who was the last Pharaoh of the 12th dynasty

He never got to rule Egypt – he is a bit of an enigma

Many historians and theologians believe that he was Moses of the Bible

Moses was adopted by the Princess Sobeknefru and was raised as an Egyptian in Pharaoh’s household up until the age of 40.  He identified with the Hebrew people even though he was raised as an Egyptian.  He had to flee to Midian after killing an Egyptian.  He returned to Egypt 40 years later when Neferhotep of the 13th dynasty was ruling.  God told Moses to tell Pharaoh to “Let My People go” but Pharaoh did not listen.  God inflict several plagues upon Egypt and eventually, Neferhotep let Moses take the Israelites into the desert.  As they did not come back, Neferhotep pursued them with his army.  The Hebrews were able to cross the Red Sea at the Gulf of Aquaba – Nuweiba Beach to be precise.  (We know the location because Solomon left pilars to mark the site of the Red Sea Crossing and many artifacts have been recovered from the bottom of the Red Sea at this point.  Mount Sinai in Arabia is not far from the crossing site.)   When Pharaoh and his army tried to follow, they drowned.  After the Exodus through the Red Sea, Moses received the Law – the Ten Commandments – on Mount Sinai.  Moses lived in the Wilderness for another 40 years until the age of 120 but he never got to enter the promised land.

The statue of the young man in this picture is Amenemhet II. There are few statues of Amenemhat IV.

Discovering the Route of the Exodus and the True Mt Sinai in Arabia – Jabel Lawz

Ron Wyatt was a nurse who decided to become an archaeologist. He made some very significant findings, none the least being the discovery of the true Mt Sinai in Arabia – Jabel Laws. He also found the two pillars left by Solomon to mark the site of the Red Sea crossing. He found Chariot wheels on the floor of the Gulf of Aqaba which were encased in coral. These findings are to his credit. Around the same time, the early 1980’s he went looking for the remains of Noah’s ark on Mt Arrarat in Turkey. He found a boat shaped object whick was composed of fossilized wood and giant iron rivets. It had the right dementions to be Noah’s ark. Giant anchor stones were found near by. As with most of his discoveries, many of the artifacts he found like the pilar of solomon on the Jordanian side and the anchor stones that he found at Ararat were removed by unknow parties. It is forbidden to go to Mount Sinai, so few have seen it. The Photos that Wyatt took were confiscated but Jordanians and Wyatt was held in a Jordanian jail for some time for his efforts. I believe that these finds are significant and credible exactly as he reported them and I agree with his conclusions. It was around the same time that Wyatt also went looking for the Ark of the Covenant. He spent a year exploring caves around Golgotha extending under the temple mount. After exploring the caves for a year, he got into a cave which had two entrances, one of which had been bricked off. In the cavern he claims to have found the Ark of the Covenant. He also claims to have found a crucifixion site immediately above the cavern and connected to the cavern by an earth quake crack. He says the crucifixion site had been marked by a round stone with the same dimentions that the missing stone of the garden tomb would have had. He found red material which he thought could have been the blood of christ. After announcing his discoveries, the excavation was shut down by Israeli authorities. He was not able to bring the ark out and has never been able to substantiate his claim. He is now dead. Remarkably, though, he is the only person who has been permitted by the Israeli govenment to explore the caves. His associates lead by Richard Reeves were allowed to reopen his excavations 20yrs later around 2001. The cavern where the Ark was found is now filled with rubble. It is gone. It looks like he fabricated everything. But did he? That is the question. Did the Israeli government remove the Ark after shutting down his excavation. Why is Wyatts team the only team that is allowed to drill and excavate at the garden tomb. The Israeli government has let them go in there with bulldosers. Why is this. May be it is because he did find the Ark and he suffered humiliation because the Israeli government covered it up. There is another group of Jews who claim to have the ark in their possession. The went through the caves under the temple mount and found the bricked off end of the cavern that Wyatt found and removed the ark. The red stuff that Wyatt found was very unlikley to be Christ’s blood. Wyatt drew the wrong conclusion about this but he never fabricated any evidence. Because much of what he found has gone missing, he could not substantiate his claims and was discreditted in the eyes of many people. He is still one of my heros and I do not believe that he fabricated anything. His discovery of Mt Sinai, the Red Sea crossing site and maybe Noah’s ark still stand. It is hard to believe that one man could achieve so many discoveries in such a short period of time but look at Imhotep and what he achieved!! I stand by Wyatt and hope that one day he will be vindicated. He was an honorable man and I believe he was a reliable source of original information.–Dr Nigel Hawkins

The Real Mount Sinai in Arabia (P1)

The Discovery of the Real Mount Sinai – Part 1

Mountain of Fire Part 1

The exact location of Mount Sinai has eluded archeologists and theologians for centuries. It is the mountain of legend chronicled in the Old Testament book of Exodus. The mountain where Moses saw the glory of the God of the Hebrews, fell to his knees in fear before a burning bush and received the stone tablets containing Holy law etched by the finger of God.

Tradition has placed this Holy mountain squarely in the middle of the Egyptian Sinai peninsula, but two unlikely teams of adventurers made a different discovery. This is the remarkable true story of their journey. A dangerous mission, leading them to the barren deserts of Saudi Arabia and to a mysterious blackened peak surrounded by high barbed-wire fences and patrolled by armed guards, Smuggled out a great risk, their startling evidence has the potential to shock the world and rewrite history.